Grievers often look for signs of their loved ones after they
are gone. Some people find pennies in
their paths, some see butterflies. A
woman told me that lights turn on upstairs when she is downstairs and no one
else is in the house. She is sure this is her husband and sometimes calls
upstairs to say hello and to tell him to stop scaring her. Photographs show
shining orbs or an aroma wafts through the room, seemingly without cause. But
for every person who tells me they have seen a sign, there are 4 or 5 who say
they wish they could. They long for some tangible message from the beyond that
lets them feel that their lost loved one is still present, still looking out
for them.
But if the desire for a tangible sign is a yearning for
connection, what if our loved ones ARE showing up – in such subtle ways that we
are missing the signal? Does a sign need to be a paranormal, graphic gesture?
If we could see these random remembrances of them as connective threads, we
might discover that our loved ones are present in our lives on a daily
basis. What about the random thought of
something they said, a memory that suddenly arises and makes us smile? Isn’t this a sign of our continued connection
with our loved one after they die?
I challenge you to consider this: if our dead loved ones
live on in our hearts, then they show up in our thoughts and memories. They
show up when we don’t know what to do and suddenly remember what their advice
would be. They show up in a gesture that
is just like theirs, in a song on the radio, in their favorite flower that
blooms in the garden.
I challenge you to notice that they show up every day. The signs
are there if you just pay attention.