Years ago, when I was PTA Rabble Rouser in Chief, a parent
came to a meeting with an elaborate presentation about something called
“character education.” She said that children needed to be taught manners and
how to be nice to each other, in school. She backed up her argument with charts
and visual aids. I was a bit taken aback
because I thought that manners, tolerance and how to be kind to other people
was MY job, at home, as a parent. After pointing out that recommendations for
changes to the educational system needed to be implemented by the school board,
not the PTA, I went home very puzzled. A
year later, character education became a state mandate. How was it possible that we needed to mandate
the teaching of common decency and civility?
I must be blind or completely out of the loop. It seems that
not only did we need character education, a major sector of this country needs
a refresher course. Suddenly, people seem to think they can say whatever they
want, no matter how mean, intrusive or bigoted. At check-out lines across the
country, nutty people feel emboldened to comment nastily on other people,
without knowing anything about their challenges, their lives or who they are. A
mother struggling with two special needs kids, another young boy and a toddler
gets threatened with CPS by the woman in front of her. Wouldn’t it have been
kinder to say, “May I help you?” The nephew of a friend, calmly waiting
his turn on line in a store suddenly gets called a vile racial epithet for no
reason at all, other than some bug-eyed man’s idea of “free speech.” Using the
excuse that we no longer have to be “politically correct,” the crazies have
come out of the closet.
Calling people names is not “telling it like it is.” Being
rude, hostile, loud and threatening does not show strength of character – quite
the opposite. What happened to offering assistance? To common courtesy? Tolerance? Basic human dignity and kindness? Character
is defined as the mental and MORAL qualities of an individual. Can we live up
to our highest standards instead of the lowest?
Free speech does not mean you can say whatever hateful or
hurtful thing that pops into your head. Good character dictates thinking before
speaking, in case your words might wound. Free speech is not verbal vomiting. In a civil
society, we need to be just that – civil. Good character means good conduct in
the best sense, not because it is politically correct but because it is good.
We do not know what another person is going through and it behooves us to take
a breath and at least try to be calm and kind. And if we are unable to do that,
perhaps we should not speak at all.